Friday, February 8, 2013


 DIY Black & Tan Chevron Rug

  1. Rug or Tarp (I couldn't find a rug the size and color I wanted so I used a Canvas tarp $10.00 at Lowes)
  2. Paint (I used fabric paint from walmart)
  3. Painters tape or frog tape 
  4. Angled paintbrush or foam roller
  5. Stencil (I made my own out of poster board to place my painters tape)
  6. Plastic spatula (to press down on the tape to make sure the paint does not blead)
Let's Get Started:

I laid a plastic tarp on the kitchen floor and placed my canvas tarp on top just in case the paint leaked through. 

I used a piece of red poster board as a stencil and then lined the edges with blue painters tape. It was hard for me to decide the size of my stripes and finally decided to go with 6" inch width and 20" inches long(from beginning to point).  

I taped the patter on and with my plastic spatula I ran it across the tape to make sure the tape was really stuck on the canvas cloth to prevent any paint bleeding.I used hand weights to keep the tarp from moving and wrinkling while painting.

I began painting on the stripes with a foam roller but the roller would absorb a lot of the paint, but it wasn't covering much of the canvas cloth, so I decided to go with a regular paint brush (It worked much better). There was a few oopisies but no paint bleeding under the tape!

Finally my master piece was complete and I love the way it looks! !

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